Drug Screening
ClearCheks professionals work with business owners and management to create and maintain a productive Drug-Free Workplace. Drug testing helps to improve workplace safety, increase productivity, and in most states, you even receive a discount on your workers compensation insurance. We can file the paperwork for you.

Drugs Screening
Drugs That we test for:
Do you want to ensure a safe and drug free workplace? We provide a wide range of drug screening services that enable you to screen out new employees who use drugs, discourage current employees from using drugs and identify those who do, and maintain compliance with DOT regulations. Whether using urinalysis, mouth swab, or hair drug testing, we test for and identify virtually any type of drug, both prescription and illicit, including:

24/7 Mobile Service
ClearCheks provides customers located in South Florida the convenience of on-site sample collection by our 24/7 On-Call Mobile Service professionals.